Thank you thank you thank you for the music suggestions! I want you to know that I have taken steps to obtain such music, and now, thanks to you, I am The Coolest. Quite a jump up in title from last week, eh?
I think that most of you have already discovered this, but I have put a little sidebar category on my page labeled "Pictures". Browse as you see fit.

We are about* to break ground on our house-building. Supposedly this week the dirt guys (not an attempt to be rude, this is, apparently, what they like to be called) will go out with huge bulldozers and clear the land. Then they use their precious dirt to level the building foundation, thus allowing us to START BUILDING the house, Glory and Hallelujah.
We're getting bids from the Dirt Men right now, and they are turning out to be quite the unique group of individuals. Cody was on the phone with one of these Dirty Guys last night for nearly an hour, and after about 15 minutes he started looking at me in a very exasperated way, and doing that universal wave-your-hands-in-the-air-and-shrug-in-annoyance-"I-want-off-the-phone-NOW" thing that never really works because the only person who can see this dance of desperation is NOT the one who is currently burning a hole in your phone receiver.
When Cody finally made his daring conversational escape "Well that sounds great WE'LL SEE YOU ON TUESDAY!" and threw the phone across the room like it was on fire, I asked him what he had found out. It seems that besides getting valuable lessons on treating the CAUSE of the problem and not just the SYMPTOMS, and also on Just How Good This Guy Really Thinks He Is At Dirtwork, he really didn't learn anything at all. "Not even the bid?" I asked. "Not even the bid."
But we did learn one important thing about Mr. Dirt Man. After giving Cody an extensive lecture on how we shouldn't just go for the lowest bidder, because those people just make everything look good and then 10 years later, after a hard rain or some other weather-related event, the foundation will just up and shift, and the house will start cracking, and then All Hell Will Break Loose, and do we really want that, DO WE?, he gave us the good news: If we go with HIS Dirt Guy Services, if we pick HIM, well, HE will give us a 12 month guarantee. Yes you heard that right, 12 glorious months of worry-free living.
*a-bout - a term usually denoting something that will happen in the near future, but when used in regards to house-building, means absolutely nothing at all. So you shouldn't actually PLAN on anything, get your hopes up, or have any sort of timetable in your head, because IT WON'T HAPPEN, AND THAT'S THE ONLY FREAKING GUARANTEE YOU NEED.