Mom (to me): So anyway, that's why I didn't have a profile picture on Facebook for a while, I just...
Dad (coming home from work and interrupting the conversation): Hey! I sent you, like, 10 text messages today and you never responded to any of them!
Mom: I did too, I responded to one of them and said that I was busy and didn't have time to text message.
Dad: Yeah, but what about after that when I kept sending them? You just ignored all those.
Mom: What I wanted to text back was 'Clearly you aren't working hard enough if you're text stalking me all day'.
Dad: I was waiting on a message like that, that's why I kept sending 'em.
Text messages? Facebook? Your parents are so technologically advanced and CUTE!!
Posted by: Cassie | June 16, 2009 at 08:17 AM