T, as in THERMOMETER. And I can use thermometer as the word du jour, because I don't have any strong feelings towards thermometers, one way or the other, and therefore that won't mess up this meme I'm about to do.
Yeah, yeah I know. A meme. Or survey, or quiz, whatever you wanna call it. But don't worry, this one is decently entertaining and easy.
The rules:
You leave a comment on this post, and I’ll assign you a letter. You write about ten things you love that begin with your assigned letter, and post it at your place. When people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain continues on and on.
And then you each send me $25.
What? That isn't on the other people's rules? Well I'll meet you halfway, you don't have to do cash, you could just do a gift card or something. Geez. Where's your holiday spirit?
1. Tea. Yeah I know, it seems a little bit cheaty since T and Tea are basically the EXACT SAME THING - tricky phonetics - but I genuinely love tea. Green tea, specifically. I drink probably 2- 4 cups per day, and yeah yeah I know all the good stuff about moderation, but it's better than soda and my tea tags say cute little things like "grace brings trust, appreciation, love and prosperity". How can you find anything wrong with that? I DARE YOU TO TRY.
2. Tree pose. Balancing poses in yoga are my kyrptonite and yet I can always count on tree pose to be a real winner. Steady, easy, natural - it's the one thing I can count on when every other balancing sequence sends me toppling in all directions.
3. Tiramisu. Mascarpone cream, chocolate, espresso, ladyfingers... does it get any better than this? No, no, it does not.
4. The Raconteurs - namely, their newest album Consolers of the Lonely. Honestly my favorite album, start to finish, since Radiohead's In Rainbows. And this is my list, so I can consider "The" as my T-word, NO COMPLAINING.
5. Travel. I get super antsy if I am stuck in the same place for any real amount of time. Even a couple of weeks, and I need a day trip or something. I love the adventure, I love airports (even after being stuck in way too many of them for way too long), I love watching other people and wondering where they're going and what their stories are, and I love finding myself in a completely different place. It kind of gives you a fresh start every time.
6. Texting. I confess, I am one of those people you probably hate. Unless you're like me, in which case you would LOVE to be my phone buddy. I have gotten to the point where, unless a seriously complicated conversation needs to occur, I almost won't ANSWER the phone, preferring rather to send a quick text after the missed call: "yeah, what's up?". I just can't stand all the small talk, and if all the person needs is to say "I'm running 15 minutes late, meet me then?" then I certainly don't need to spend 5 minutes on the phone discussing THAT. Ooh, I almost hate myself for being such a snot.
7. Turtlenecks. And turtleneck sweaters, especially. There's something about being bundled up in a cozy, oversized turtleneck sweater that I just can't beat. However, I know not everyone feels this way; I had a boyfriend for a long time who HATED turtlenecks in all forms, and when I had to give him some particularly bad news one day, I dressed in the biggest turtleneck I could find. My best friend had dubbed it the "Queen Mother of all turtlenecks", and I guess our reasoning was that the less appealing he found me, the easier the news would go over? I dunno. Remember that, Amy?
8. Tequila. You know how sometimes when you have a really bad experience with a particular type of liquor it makes you want to swear off it forever? Yeah, I had that experience with tequila, a few Mardi Gras ago, and I think it only drew us closer. Tequila + Elise 4EVA. I have become a bit of a snob as of late thanks to a friend of ours, and a few months ago, I told Cody I would only be drinking Patron. He said (and I quote): "HA." And then he bought NOT Patron. Can you believe him?
9. Tall people. I hadn't considered this as something that I LOVE, but to be perfectly honest, I got to 8 and kinda got stuck. So I started asking around and apparently, I love tall people. To hear others tell it, I am actually somewhat obsessed with tall people; always going on and on about their incredible height and how impressive I find it. So, there you go, we both learned something with this list.
10. Time to myself. This one is definitely true. In fact, if I don't get time to myself, I go a little bit crazy. You know how for some people, being surrounded by friends makes their energy level go up? Yeah. That works in the opposite for me. It wasn't really until college that I figured out the necessity of me being able to get away from everyone, even if it was just for a few hours. There was more than one Friday night when I told everyone who asked I had plans with someone else and went to hide out in a big, cozy chair in Barnes & Noble with a book and a big cup of tea. Anti-social? Perhaps. Sanity-saving? Absolutely.
So there you have it, ten things I love that start with T. Wanna give it a shot? Like ATW, I promise not to assign you X or Z, unless you're just one of those people who like a challenge.
Ooooh, this is fun! Please, madam, may I have a letter? You and I have a lot in common. I too love turtlenecks, texting (if you are a snob than so am I), tequila and tiramisu. And also time to myself, but I don't seem to get much of that anymore.
Posted by: Cassie | December 16, 2008 at 01:36 PM
Brava Elise. I don't know how you do it, or even why it is so but after I read something you have written I am always left with this wonderful feeling of satisfaction. Like I have just been let in on some great secret. You continue to inspire, thanks.
Posted by: Mike C. | December 16, 2008 at 03:33 PM
As a real Mexican, let me tell you that Patron is not good tequila. In fact, it is only drunk here in the states. You should try Tradicional, Tres Generacions, and Casadores. Not only are they cheaper than Patron, they are better. Cheers!
Posted by: rita | December 16, 2008 at 04:16 PM
I love texting, I'm tall, and the racanteurs and I have a special connection. Just like you and me.
Posted by: Allthewine | December 16, 2008 at 04:45 PM
OooOooooOO!!! I want to play!
Posted by: Caustic Cupcake | December 16, 2008 at 04:48 PM
Hey, I'm wearing a turtleneck today (because it's freakin' cold and snowy outside), I sometimes drink tea, and I get to travel for free thanks to my boyfriend working for an airline. Wow, I have so much in common with this post. :)
Posted by: Katharama | December 16, 2008 at 06:42 PM
Sure I'm in. I like things like this and don't have much else to write about right now.
Posted by: Playful Professional | December 17, 2008 at 12:07 AM
Ooohhh...I'll take a letter, please. :) My blog has been neglected since NaBloPoMo ended ~ this might be the perfect thing to kickstart it.
And I am a tall, tequila-drinking, text-loving, turtleneck-wearer too! :) I love your post.
Posted by: Kim | December 17, 2008 at 01:21 AM
Cool! So good to finally hear from you! This was fun. Hey, I'm a tall person! :D I also love turtlenecks when it is cold but Hub-E despises them. :P Whatever!
So, please don't assign me the letters U, Y, or Q.
Posted by: Chiada | December 17, 2008 at 12:09 PM
Ooh, I'm in! :D
Posted by: velocibadgergirl | December 17, 2008 at 12:31 PM
I would like to be involved in this Missy.
And if you like to text so much WHY DON'T YOU TEXT ME ANYMOREEEEE. I miss youuuuu.
And I am not a stalker.
Posted by: Julie | December 17, 2008 at 12:48 PM
So I stumbled upon your blog and sooo want to play this game. I love texting and tall people (I only date guy 6'4 and up)
Posted by: Jackie | December 17, 2008 at 01:50 PM
Okay, my 10 things with the letter "W" is up!
Posted by: Chiada | December 17, 2008 at 05:14 PM
I would like a letter too. :( (I really have nothing to do at work) I have a blog over at OpenDiary where I can write my 10. Thanks Elise
Posted by: Mike C | December 18, 2008 at 07:55 AM
I am in desperate need of a blog post idea. This works. Love the blog.
Posted by: Shannon | December 18, 2008 at 08:53 AM
Please let me play.
Posted by: Amy | December 18, 2008 at 05:30 PM
I think I only got to nine. Oops.
Posted by: Shannon | December 19, 2008 at 09:42 AM
Thanks Elise. The process of putting this list together is just what I needed. Here is the link to my site: http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D713676&entry=10055&mode=
Posted by: Mike | December 19, 2008 at 09:46 AM
I want to play! :)
Oh, and who doesn't love texting? I just don't understand.
Posted by: Kenzie | December 25, 2008 at 02:58 PM
Oh, fun! And the letter is...?
Posted by: Alexandra | January 03, 2009 at 05:58 AM
I'm late, but would love a letter...sounds like the perfect opportunity to write something a little less "blah" than what I have been haha..
Posted by: Picosita | January 25, 2009 at 01:10 AM