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October 15, 2008



Oh, two of my favourites in one room. So jealous right now. :-(


so jealous that there are blogger meetups in texas with my favorite texan and I was not apart.

Also, you've been up to a lot! An unplanned hiatus is understandable! Just never leave me again, okay?

And don't worry, on behalf of all Americans, I am spending all my money in the retail sector, even money I don't have!

Operation Pink Herring

Dude, resistance IS futile.


My dear Elise, I have missed you. When I read the title of your post, I thought you were going to talk about Twilight. Or TrueBlood. Two of my favorite vampire-related things. Resistance is TOTALLY futile.

The economy hasn't effected my spending habits at all, which is probably not good, but whatever. Hopefully there are lots like me down in Texas to spend money in your store. If I lived there, I would totally spend money in your store. But I want some force-fed tequila in return!


Welcome back! I missed you and your recaps. Looking forward to tomorrows! (Even though I've had to resort to reading Tim's Take on the PR website and already know who the winner is.)

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