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February 05, 2008



talking 'bout baseball and hatred of A-Rod? Is this heaven? Have I died?


Well, you sure were on the I hate A-Rod train :)


Oh, Elise. I have been gone for a while and I have missed you. Anyway, about A-Rod, I definitely agree that he's WAY overpaid for his (average) level of talent, but I think I heard somewhere that he does a lot of work for children's charities? I don't know if there's anything behind that, but when I heard that it kind of made him more tolerable for me. Plus he has nice eyes.


Whenever I peruse my old hand written journals from junior highschool on up through highschool, I am embarrased, mortified even, at how boy crazy I was. Practically every entry was either about a boy I had a crush on, or how much I really disliked my mom and sister at the moment. Sad, really. What a lack of substance.


I STILL think A-Rod (and most of the rest of the Yankees) is a bad man.


Isn't it kind of strange and wonderful to have been blogging for long enough that you have HARD EVIDENCE of things that happened years and years ago? Ever so much fun.

Anyway, I am totally with you on A-Rod and the Yankees.

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