I was thinking, what might be fun is if I went back into my archives, picked one post from four years ago today, and posted it. That would be fun, right? Turns out there was only one post in the whole month of February '04 from which to pick. Obviously I have not improved on my posting quantity skills. Also, when I started out on this idea I forgot it wasn't January anymore, and as I perused old January posts I realized why I never post old stuff, even when I am feeling completely devoid of anything interesting to say. Archives are just like reading old journals. Embarrassing, uncomfortable, squirmy, full of grammar and syntax errors, and only occasionally interesting. Of course NOW I'm not like that at all. All my entries are awesome, nowadays. I mean, obviously.
However! I am going to post the February 2004 entry because, in a lucky twist of fate, I was having a conversation JUST THE OTHER DAY with SOMEONE, and I was telling this SOMEONE that I had actually really hated Alex Rodriguez (horribly overpaid baseball player) for ages, even when he played for the Texas Rangers. This SOMEONE didn't believe me, and contested that I only recently jumped on the whole A-Rod Hatemobile, after everyone else started realizing his inherent suckiness. Ha! Not true. And, as you shall soon see, history will prove me right, once again. Or, you know. This one time.
(Also, feel free to ignore point 1. Do you remember this interview? Neither do I)
(Also also! I miss Snake II. I haven't had a phone with any sort of fun games in ages. Sure I've got the Internet and Bluetooth, but what happened to the really good stuff?)
A Random But Important Listing of Items
1. Mel Gibson's interview with Diane Sawyer last night: I thought he did a great job. I am wondering what the rest of you might have thought. If you didn't see it, find someone who taped it or tivo-ed it and take a look.
2. Technology: Whenever I play Snake II on my cell phone, I play it on the highest level (obviously, as this is the only good way to get the most points quickly). However, lately my phone has, instead of saying "New Game" when I die, started an annoying and presumptious habit of asking me (in what I can only imagine as a very condesending tone) "New Level?". If I wanted a new freaking level, I would put it on a new level. I don't need my cell phone or anyone else to ask me if I am capable of performing on a certain level. How audacious.
3. A-Rod Trade: I hated A-Rod even when he played for the Rangers. 25 million is an unbelievably ridiculous salary for anyone, and the fact that the Rangers needed pitchers more than anything else and spent their entire freaking cash allowance on A-Rod, and that he happily allowed it, is annoying. And dumb. I'm glad he's gone. "But", you say, "even to the Yankees, Elise? How can you want anyone to go to the Yankees?" Now I don't hate the Yankees like everyone loves to do, but I don't like them, either. And I don't like the fact that they just stack the heck out of their team and take all the sportsmanship out of the game. However, it is because of this that I feel A-Rod is exactly where he belongs. He is a player who makes $175,000 every game, regardless of what he does, and he is now playing for a team who is more than likely going to win, no matter what they do, because they have the money to buy the best team in baseball. The common theme is fairly obvious. Birds of a feather, you know? He's gonna be right at home in New York.
talking 'bout baseball and hatred of A-Rod? Is this heaven? Have I died?
Posted by: tiff | February 05, 2008 at 08:34 PM
Well, you sure were on the I hate A-Rod train :)
Posted by: Andrea | February 06, 2008 at 09:17 AM
Oh, Elise. I have been gone for a while and I have missed you. Anyway, about A-Rod, I definitely agree that he's WAY overpaid for his (average) level of talent, but I think I heard somewhere that he does a lot of work for children's charities? I don't know if there's anything behind that, but when I heard that it kind of made him more tolerable for me. Plus he has nice eyes.
Posted by: Cassie | February 06, 2008 at 11:05 AM
Whenever I peruse my old hand written journals from junior highschool on up through highschool, I am embarrased, mortified even, at how boy crazy I was. Practically every entry was either about a boy I had a crush on, or how much I really disliked my mom and sister at the moment. Sad, really. What a lack of substance.
Posted by: Chiada | February 06, 2008 at 12:03 PM
I STILL think A-Rod (and most of the rest of the Yankees) is a bad man.
Posted by: Laurel | February 06, 2008 at 10:15 PM
Isn't it kind of strange and wonderful to have been blogging for long enough that you have HARD EVIDENCE of things that happened years and years ago? Ever so much fun.
Anyway, I am totally with you on A-Rod and the Yankees.
Posted by: Amanda | February 07, 2008 at 05:08 PM