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December 20, 2007


Operation Pink Herring

That last one is the best Google search I've ever seen. Ever.


Mine was "oldman fucking tinn."

I'm ashamed that I was the first link google offered.

You win.


I have never had something as hilarious as that final phrase. Wow. Whatever you're doing on this blog, you are doing SOMETHING right!

My best series of searches came after I confessed my love for Hannah Montana. It yielded a lot of hits from anxious preteens trying to figure out if Hannah would like their outfit or would "kiss a guy two years younger" than her.


"I'm a pretty pony clippity-clop dragonrealms and I love to have my coat brushed"

What?! That is awesome. Recently I had one for "virginia marsden naked," and sadly for them, they didn't get what they were looking for. I don't even know who Virginia Marsden is, but she sounds sort of risque.


That last one there about the pony was probably the best and most disturbing one yet. People are strange.


So sorry I missed hearing about Lydah - but I'm glad she is going to be okay.

Your post has reminded me that I need to do a Google-age -- maybe one day when I'm bored in THE UK, OMG.

Michelle & the City

wow you get some interesting searches. and you have readers that think they're ponys? very, very interesting indeed. lol

Teacher A

My friend's family has a dog in the same situation (with regards to the joints, anyway), only several years older. They try to keep her from being too rough on her joints and have her rest when she's been too hard on herself. So far, she's still a pretty happy pooch. She will occasionally overdo it (and it's pretty easy to tell when that happens), but she's certainly not in constant pain. She is still living a happy doggy life. There is hope!

If you want to talk with them in more detail about how they're helping her cope, I can certainly get you in contact with them.

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