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November 28, 2007



I hear Guitar Hero is THE game to have this season. Or so my 12 year old says.


Kristie, your 12-year old is TOTALLY RIGHT!

He must rock, too.


Oh I loooooove guitar hero!

She Likes Purple

Oh, I get migraines occasionally and I think they vary in degrees, but I can usually not sit up or be in any room with the lights on. Sinus headaches are almost as bad, but not quite. I hope you get to feeling better soon enough!


i cant believe you did that to your toe. ouch!

and my dad ALWAYS used to say "walk it off". but mostly because i am a huge wuss.


Hmm. Maybe that's what my dad was trying to tell me.


Oh Elise, you poor love. First the toenail and now this headache? You need to relax! You and Lydah should spend some quality girly time together, now that she's all mature and stuff.

Glad to see you are back!


Okay... I really want GH3 for my Wii too.

But I already have 1&2 and 2 guitars for PS2... What should I do???

Wow, if all my problems were this shallow... :)

Operation Pink Herring

I'm not sure which is worse: the toenail or the doggie period! No wonder you have a (possible) migraine. I always hesitate to cry migraine too, but sometimes "headache" just doesn't do the pain justice.


when my ex's dog went through that (how many times did i say: "seriously, you better get her spayed. you're going to regret it."), i wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with that whole ordeal. i mean, doggie diapers???? seriously? i tried to think up every excuse i could just so i wouldn't have to watch that dog.

sorry to see you've become (somewhat) responsible by following a schedule. thanks for giving in to the dark side. there are those of us who still know the value in winging it.


I must have Guitar Hero for the Wii!

Ouch--about the toenail, but at least it will be mostly back by sandal season, right?


oh wow. *shudder* so thank you for the toenail story. I curled up my toes in proper disgust and considered running for the fixture to throw up. I hate all things toenail ...related. ugh i cant even think about it.

but the rest of your post totally made up for it. so i had to delurk and tell you what a balls out funny lady you are. thanks much!

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