I should have known it was going to be a bad day when the first thing I did this morning was step out of bed and into a pile of cat puke. Things did not get better from there.
Don't you wish days like that had a reset button? It would be so nice; your little video-game version of yourself could miss the green tube entirely and instead fall into the giant hole in the bricks and instead of losing a life, you could just hit RESET. And you'd be perfect again. Man I'm old. I just used Super Mario Bros as my video-game reference. Just ignore me if you're under the age of....say....20. It's just that I honestly have no idea what sort of disaster would befall the video-game me in a game from 2007, rather than 1987. Would I get lost in a space-time continuum and have to push some extremely complicated combination of buttons to get back to the present? I tried to play some game called Super Smash Brothers not long ago...or maybe it was called Super Chaotic Confusing Melee, because all I could figure out was that at some point, I was supposed to be hitting everyone and everything over the head with a mallet. I think.
In an ironic twist, I just had to re-write this entire post because somehow, I deleted it in the middle of the first go. I have no idea how I did this; I have been using Typepad for several years and that has honestly never happened before. I had written at least two more paragraphs, expounding upon how I feel about employees who don't show up for work, and my poor managerial skills, and what it feels like to be taken advantage of as a non-bitchy boss, and how that, in turn, turns me INTO a bitchy boss, and how I hate myself and everyone else. But it got deleted. And maybe that's for the best, because really, who wants to hear about that?
So refresh your browser a few times and tell me what you think of the new design. I thought it was appropriate; as I feel that the frog and I have a lot in common. Perhaps, if he can extricate himself sometime soon, he could join me for a drink. Because I think that's all that's going to help me right now.
Typepad is a tricky wee thing, it likes to do naughty things every so often and then play innocent. Oh yes. it does.
And I like it!
Sorry 'bout the cat puke though. Never a good start.
Posted by: Alyndabear | June 01, 2007 at 10:43 PM
On a related tangent to the whole turning from a non-bitchy boss into a bitchy boss, my host teacher chewed out a couple of students from her (my) class for talking and then asked them if they were trying to turn me from a nice teacher into a mean teacher by being disrespectful while I'm trying to be nice. The students were somewhat horrified, but unfortunately continued to talk, leading me to develop The Look.
Posted by: Teacher A | June 02, 2007 at 08:29 PM
I teach people how to be good managers for a living, yet as a manager myself I suck. Go figure.
Posted by: Chaos Control | June 02, 2007 at 09:01 PM
Not to throw you into a total state of panic or anything, but I must say that my FIRST reaction when the new design came up was to think: A stork? Is she PREGNANT?!?!?!
Sorry you had a sucky day. Hope you're on an upswing with it!
Posted by: markira | June 03, 2007 at 10:28 AM
Never give up! That is the lesson of the frog.
Posted by: Katy | June 03, 2007 at 01:08 PM
Eww...cat puke. Been there. Never a good start! I think I turn my good boss into a mean boss on most days. I don't intend too, but somehow it always seems to go that way!
Posted by: Laurie | June 04, 2007 at 01:13 PM
Now what happens is you re-spawn.
Posted by: nathan | June 05, 2007 at 12:38 AM
I'm all for a new design and I'm trying to work on one myself. The banner is giving me fits and I can't decide on color. Love yours, though.
Posted by: wordgirl | June 07, 2007 at 10:31 AM