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May 05, 2007



willowtree/willowbark/willowcrap angels? i don't know. we got one as a wedding present and i sold it in the garage sell exactly two weeks after we got married.

man, elise, i am SORRY.

uh, also, i sent you messages and um... nothing. ahem.

real though, i'm sorry more than anything.

also, i'm really hoping that wasn't my grandma, calling from WEST texas.


This reminds me of the party pants story but 100 times worse. People amaze me sometimes.


wow, you have about a thousand times the patience that the rest of us have. that lady sounds crazy and not in the good way!


Maybe Real Cody is right - you should stop blogging.

Because at the moment it seems highly unlikely that you will ever be able to top this post.


brilliant. another reason i hate people.

incidentally, do you know where i can find a new power supply for my printer? do some searching if you would, and if you find one, just go ahead and buy it. with your money.


Thast old lady sounds like my Isaac, sometimes he just can't get NO into his brain, he keeps on keeping on until I swear my ears are bleeding. He's autistic, wonder what the old lady's excuse is. I love to think of her hanging on waiting to be transferred. What patience you have! Maybe you need to tape some elevator music and just play that when the restaurant crankies call!


OH MY FREAKING GAWD! That is so incredibly funny and...at the same time...aggravating. This hits home on so many fronts. Of course, there's the people who don't listen when you give them infomation. Then...old people who think that they can ask for anything and you, being young, have to give it to them. Then...there are the ignorant people who insist that you are simply being obstinant for not helping them out of their own stuppidity. I would have hung up long before you did. I have no patience with stuff like this.


OH MY FREAKING GAWD! That is so incredibly funny and...at the same time...aggravating. This hits home on so many fronts. Of course, there's the people who don't listen when you give them infomation. Then...old people who think that they can ask for anything and you, being young, have to give it to them. Then...there are the ignorant people who insist that you are simply being obstinant for not helping them out of their own stuppidity. I would have hung up long before you did. I have no patience with stuff like this. I mean...you're not a PHONE OPERATOR. Why does she think this is your job?


OH my god, I just want you to curl up so I can pet you after that. Poor thing. That's sheer craziness!


That is hilarious.


So, getting back to your original point.......why are you putting fewer grapes into the chicken salad?


well I feel your pain. People call us all the time thinking that we are the district and want to know if they have filed their homestead exemption yet or not. Most of the time I give them the districts phone number but only if they are nice.


so you're saying there's a chance.... that you might post again sometime soon???


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