Galveston Island, once known for its Southern charm and as a location of choice for artists such as Tom Wolfe, Mark Twain, and Frank Sinatra, has all but fallen off of the map in recent years. Deteriorating boutique hotels, the addition of too many inexpensive chain lodging options, and a few ill-timed oil spills combined to make Galveston a destination to avoid, at least for the travel-savvy. However, several Galveston purists and a major cash infusion have, in the past few years, joined forces to renovate this sleepy beach town and bring back the "Queen of the Gulf" status Galveston once proudly held.
Ha, how much would it suck if I always wrote like that? Like some kind of wannabe travel writer? Oh, it's better than my normal drivel, you say? Huh.
Anyway, Cody and I are in Galveston this weekend. It's really lovely, even though all I've done so far is arrive really late last night and sleep for about 10 hours. Sleeping for 10 hours, anywhere, at any time, is always a positive experience for me. So, yay Galveston! Thanks for letting me sleep here.
Today I think we're going to walk around, all tourist-like, and peruse shops on the Strand, sit on the piers and watch the boats come in and out from sea, and eat seafood. Seafood that must, by proximity, be fresh. That's always my issue with ordering up a nice plate of seared Ahi Tuna in, say, Dallas. I mean, how fresh can that fish be, really? Because last time I checked, the nearest beach was several hundred miles away.
Anyhow, enough of my brilliant logic, and onto a chair update. I know, you've all either been dying to know what happened with the chairs or else you've completely forgotten and don't care at all. So! You all need to know, clearly. I painted the first chair creamy, eggnoggy, white. It looked good. I chickened out. I called my best friend, who had recently painted a cabinet set a color that was brown, but looked black. Perfect, I thought, not as much contrast, and still a high-end and formal look. I bought the paint. I took it home, opened it, and noted that it looked much lighter than I would have expected. Kind of like baby-poop brown, rather than a super dark chocolate brown. But! I know paint, I told myself. I have painted LOTS OF THINGS. The paint doesn't always look the same wet as dry. Carry on, I told myself! Carry on.
The chair is now baby-poop GREEN*. How, I do not know. But what I do know is that I will be paying a visit to the paint lady at Home Depot. I thought she gave me a snide look when I suggested that the base paint needed to be level 3. Base 3! My friend told me! Do what I say, woman!
I think she screwed me.
*Did you get that? Did the enormity of that statement sink in? GREEN. Like olive, army, green. It's every bit as terrible as you think. Except worse.
hmmm green. We need photos!
Have fun in Galveston!
Posted by: janet | March 10, 2007 at 03:19 PM
Did you know my parents still live in Galveston? I recommend sitting on the seawall eating snowcones at sunset. It just doesn't get any better than that.
Posted by: Laurie | March 10, 2007 at 04:13 PM
You think green chairs are bad..I had a fostre brother called Galveston. Honest, I did. think how he felt! In England, with a name like that.Poor bugger. Have fun and sleeping for 10 hours..... am jealous. Very.
Posted by: Helen | March 10, 2007 at 05:12 PM
Galveston was a foster brother, not fostre brother, called Galveston and in care, wonder what happened to him.
Posted by: Helen | March 10, 2007 at 05:13 PM
well, since ahi is caught in the pacific, i'd say that galveston and dallas probably have about the same freshness (although you could make a sound argument saying that dallas' airports move more perishable food than houston)
on top of that, the best tuna goes to japan anyways, so we're just getting the scrap and trash fish that they wouldn't accept.
still tasty though.
Posted by: regan | March 10, 2007 at 06:39 PM
Ok, Regan, so what should I order? Hurry, because I'm about to go....
Posted by: elise | March 10, 2007 at 08:18 PM
btw, readers, Regan is like super-cook. Like the type you see on Top Chef. Listen to him, and listen well.
Posted by: elise | March 10, 2007 at 08:19 PM
ah, quit lying elise.
at a restaurant, eat fish on monday's and thursday's for the freshest fish. never on sunday.
but this time of year, it's not like they're pulling a bunch of shrimp and fish out of anywhere, so order whatever you want.
from the gulf/florida, i'd definitely order redfish. like a better, sweeter red snapper.
Posted by: regan | March 10, 2007 at 10:11 PM
Ok, so why never Sunday?
And listen to this: I didn't get your comment before I left for the restaurant, but I ORDERED THE SEARED RED SNAPPER.
Posted by: elise | March 10, 2007 at 11:59 PM