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February 01, 2007



I see you also got the memo that cats love to be tortured with iSight cameras! haha

My cats also hate each other, but I am giving them 5 years to change. Possible? Probably not.


Janet, I steal from you constantly. It's a wonder you don't hate me the way our cats seem to all hate one another.

But! It is good to hear that my kitties aren't the only ones who refuse to get along. Maybe 2007 will be the year of kittenly love?


cool. d'ya think if I put pressure on my Sophie's head
( human, nearly 18 ) she would sit still and be friendly? I might try it, soon probably.
I have to say that you have the hair I have dreamed about since I was 12. Pretty hair and a MacBook. Ptttttth.

the Narcissist

First paragraph?


that's all I have to say about that.


I love that feature on my mac too except I mostly take pictures of ME.

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