Hate: I turned twenty-six on Sunday and now I feel....weird. And old. And not, you know. Twenty-five. Is this normal? Am I going through some kind of quarter-life crisis?
Hate: Annoying little yippy dogs allowed to run free through my neighborhood who emotionally torture me and the two dogs currently penned in my backyard with their incessant barking.
Hate: Weird stalker-y people who make me extremely nervous.
Hate: The doorbell ringing. I don't know why, but it sends me into a panic every single time. I will absolutely go sit in my closet and hide. Seriously, if you want to see me, DON'T ring the doorbell.
Hate: Morning people. If I could somehow not want to kill myself upon awaking each and every morning, I think I would probably be happy and successful, just like you. I hate you.
Hate: Stupid truck radiator that leaks, or breaks, or does something completely inconvenient and forces me to rearrange my entire day and will almost certainly cost me a pretty penny in order to repair.
Well, look at that. It's time for me to go to work, and I don't have a single Love in there. Guess it's the Hate Edition today! No, no, wait. I'll fix it.
Love: That this entire post is devoted to me whining. I think that's lovely.
Does checking your blog every single day (at least once, sometimes more than that) qualify me as a weird stalker-y person?
Cause I would hate to think you hate me for that. :D mk
Posted by: markira | January 30, 2007 at 07:18 PM
LOL, Markira :)
No, believe me, you are not the one of the stalkerish types to whom I was referring. In fact, that term applies to one person only and they aren't an internet-y person at all, but a real life one.
Which makes the stalking so much worse, you know?
Posted by: elise | January 30, 2007 at 09:03 PM
love: that apparently everyone on the internet is currently whiny, so we are all in good company.
hate: that I am turning 26 soon, and fear that I will have the same feeling about it as you
happy belated bday!
Posted by: janet | January 30, 2007 at 10:32 PM
Love: Janet! And the fact that she will do the whole love and hate thing in the comments. Yea, Janet!
Hate: Age 26. I think it might suck.
Posted by: elise | January 30, 2007 at 10:39 PM
Hate, people who are mere babies of 26 saying they feel old when I am 45 in July, am ancient.
Hate mornings too, because the face that looked 44 at bedtime looks 367 in the morning. Really am ancient.
Love whining on other peoples' blogs. Hoorah.
Posted by: Helen | January 31, 2007 at 03:28 AM
Happy Birthday! Whine away!
Posted by: Sugar Pixie | January 31, 2007 at 07:28 PM
Wait...you're 26? *sigh*
I guess you won't want to be my friend anymore because I'm....uh...nevermind.
Posted by: wordgirl | February 01, 2007 at 12:53 AM
Love: That Helen is so deliciously British
Love: SUGAR PIXIE TOTALLY COMMENTED ON MY SITE. Oh my goodness, I love me some Pixie.
Love: Wordgirl. Hilarious wordgirl :)
Posted by: elise | February 01, 2007 at 11:31 AM