Ha! I am loving the comments from the weird/intimidating/annoying/horrible relative post.
And yet, according to the rules of the game, I have to post again. I'm in a quandry. Luckily, I just had an idea.
The snippets of conversation (Helen - "Come 'ere you, PHWARRRR! If I wasn't your uncle..." and Susan - "and no I don't think his vaccinations 'caused' it" and Hannah - "What...does Josh not pleasure you enough?") are totally cracking me up.
So, in keeping with the theme, give me the weirdest snippet (the more out of context the better) you've ever heard a relative say, OR (if you're really feeling witty) what you're likely to hear the next time you have to encounter that person. Fun for everyone!
I'll start (this one is in conversation format):
"Hey mom, do you have any Kleenex? Or Grandma, do you?"
(digging through purses ensues)
"No, honey, I don't - maybe Grandma does, she's still looking,"
"Nope, I don't have any either...but I could take my panties off for ya."
Oh yeah, I got one too. I was about 21, hanging out with my uncle just as he was leaving for the weekend, I was staying at their house to take care of my cousins, when he says,
"You can have your boyfriend over you know. You're old enough, we don't mind."
me-"Oh, ok. If you guys don't mind I'll see if he'll want to stop by later. Thanks."
him-"Yeah, just no having sex in front of the kids is all."
::awkward silence::
: )
Posted by: Brie | November 08, 2006 at 10:33 AM
oh how annoying, I know I must have a catalogue of moments to share but have gone blank and now will drive myself crazy until I come up with some.
OH OH!!! The uncle....talking to my mum about where we scattered dad's ashes said " So, you gonna take me to where you dumped him then?" Don't you just love some people??
Posted by: Helen | November 09, 2006 at 04:22 PM