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November 09, 2006



hey good luck on the next few days. hope it all goes well.

three words: black tar heroin. if it works for keith richards...


you can buythings overhere called party feet, sort of gel insoles for your tired and weary feet,which if course is absolutely no help to you at all if you don't have them there! I wish I could work with you and be all sort of helpful and fun....not helping at all am I? I know, just whine a lot when you get home, that will help I think.Then count all the lovely money you make and your feet will want to dance.Hoorah.


Dab a little peanut butter between the toes. Does the trick every time.

No,really...try soaking them in bath salts, if you have some. Baking soda works well, too. I'm not sure why, though...but it kinda fizzles and just feels nice and tingly. Definitely relaxes sore feet. Or, you could always have your hubby rub them for you...


Peppermint foot lotion. Massage onto feet and up calves. Do not neglect the calves. That is key in the foot massage process. mk


I'd have to go with the soaking the feet in yummy smelling salts and then lathering them in Crabtree & Evelyn thick lotion and sleeping in 100% cotton socks. Saved me during years of retail hell.

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