Ahhh! I just looked at the clock and it's 11:45pm. Meaning, I have 15 minutes to get in my post for today.
Well, despite my inclination to just phone this one in, I am still going to frantically type out something of substance, something of interest, something really fabulous for you, my readers WHO NO LONGER COMMENT, to read.
You see, I am lucky. I would certainly be one of those people who get writer's block, one of the unlucky ones who run out of material, especially since I have no children and therefore lose pages upon pages of funny little anecdotes. However, as I said, I am lucky.
Because, my friends, I have Cody.
Here is the latest Cody story. Last week, he got up as usual (which means he hit snooze on his alarm until he was very nearly late for work WHILE STILL IN BED), took a shower, got dressed, and sprinted out the door. He then proceeded to see patients as normal, and even had the chance to welcome not one, but TWO brand new patients to his practice. Which is great, right? The new patients? Yea, for new patients, and their brand new outlook on the wonders of chiropractic care. And their brand new opinions of their chiropractor of choice!
Their chiropractor of choice, who happened to be wearing a sweater vest, inside out, and backwards. With the tag gracing the very front of his collar, proudly proclaiming Perry Ellis, size large.
I would like to say that Cody realized this mistake himself. I would really, really like to say that. But the truth is, he would have happily gone all day, wearing his clothing inside-out and backwards, if not for his brother stopping in and asking,
"Dude. What are you doing?"
I guess that's what brothers are for.
My dad does things like wearing his shirt inside out. It's so funny!
Posted by: Jennifer | November 06, 2006 at 02:03 AM
oh my that is hilarious. I live in a dark little basement apartment (gah, I hate it) and have been known to put on odd combinations of colors and then get to work and be like WTF was I thinking?!?
Posted by: janet | November 06, 2006 at 09:06 AM
Once my Dad put on my Mom's jeans and wore them to work. On a construction site. He didn't even know until he came home from work and I caught him hitching them up around his waist. Interesting creatures, men.
Posted by: nancypearlwannabe | November 06, 2006 at 10:21 AM
My oldest son is like this. Kind of like the absent-minded professor. When he was little, nary a week would pass that he didn't wear soccer shorts or t-shirts inside out or backwards. Or both. Thing is...it never bothered him.
Posted by: wordgirl | November 06, 2006 at 11:06 AM
Too funny! lol I'm so glad that you have Cody to humor us daily! LOL
Posted by: CJ | November 06, 2006 at 01:13 PM
I think sometimes husbands are a lot funnier than kids, because husbands are adults and should know better. Plus, a girl can make fun of her husband for putting on his shirt backwards and inside-out...but she'd just be considered a "mean mommy" if she made fun of her child for the same thing.
Posted by: Cassie | November 06, 2006 at 02:08 PM
Too funny! Michael is famous for putting on t-shirts inside out and backwards. Maybe it's a testosterone thing...?
Posted by: Sarah | November 06, 2006 at 02:18 PM