This is getting ridiculous. I can't imagine any month being busier than this November in the history of the world, ever. I mean, seriously. It's NaWriNoMo, NaWriBloMo, last month of marathon training, and Mistletoe and Magic month.
Mistletoe and Magic. That's a whole other story, seriously. Basically, it's like a giant garage sale, only with about 100 different garages involved and if the people who owned the garages were selling, say, $300 belts and $600 jackets. My boutique has a booth in Mistletoe and Magic, and it SUCKS EVERY MOMENT OF MY LIFE AWAY. Tonight was the Preview Party, which really means lots of rich socialites who want to have a reason to have a party. There's really good food and open bar all night, which is good for shopping and fun for me. Cody always enjoys it because he insists that we get our money out of the whole deal in his Preview Party alcohol consumption alone.
But anyway, Mistletoe and Magic is really, really time consuming. I promise, I am not being a posting slacker in the least. And I'm also not doing that horribly annoying thing I mentioned in that other post the other day. From 9am-9pm, for the next three days, my life is OWNED. And do you want to know who owns me, technically?
The Junior League.
Yeah. Let the madness begin.
elise, you are awesome. you are a great person and i always enjoy reading your blog.
but i will not lie to you.
i have no idea what any of this post means. not a single thing. :-)
Posted by: kyle | November 09, 2006 at 03:08 AM
Ahhh your show thing is like our Nutcracker here in Houston! Good times! Yah last nite was the "preview show". That damn thing is getting expensive! Every year I swear they hike up the price. I wish you good sales!!!
Posted by: CJ | November 09, 2006 at 09:43 AM
Like a giant garage sale ehh? Very interesting. Very interesting indeed.
Posted by: | November 09, 2006 at 11:42 AM