Sample conversation overheard at yesterday's market:
Wholesaler to customer: So, where's your store?
Customer: Oh, it's in Texas.
Wholesaler: And how long have you had it?
Customer: About 2 years.
Wholesaler (in a slightly prying tone): how is it going? Because, ummm.....
Customer (picking up on the nosiness): Well, it's going fine, really, quite well, thanks for asking.
Wholesaler (condescendingly): Ha, good! It's just, you know, you're
Customer (taken aback): Ergh....yes, yes I am. Uh...yeah.
Wholesaler (chuckling pretentiously): No, no, I think it's great, you know, doing the whole business thing when you're so black! What a great story! Do you find it difficult?
Customer (confused and somewhat offended): Well, umm, not really, I guess. I mean, yeah, sometimes it's hard, er, when people - well - what the hell are you talking about, anyway?
Wholesaler (patronizingly): Oh, no worries, I think it's great, anyway, such a black person doing something so ambitious. More of your type should do that. Just keep working hard, and you'll figure it all out.
Customer (resignedly and with disdain): Yeah. Um. Thanks.
Now, replace the word "black" with the word "young" and you'll get the gist of the sort of conversations I have to endure EVERY SINGLE MARKET. Really, every time sales reps of any type meet me in person. And they all not only think it's a perfectly acceptable way to behave, they also seem to find the whole idea amusing. Amusing, as in how you grin and shake your head when your 4-year old niece presents you with a crayon picture of random scribbles and then explains how it's you, her, and a cow. Amusing, as in "awww, how sweet, the kid's got a great imagination, huh?"
Ageism is alive and kicking, people.
sorry about that. i have had similar conversations with people regarding studio stuff.
"oh you own a studio? like, a 4-track recorder in your bedroom?"
"no, an actual, functioning, professional studio."
"oh... well, um, how old are you?"
and, as if that was enough to infer that i was having trouble figuring the whole studio thing out: "well, once you've had some good experience ['like me' is what they mean], you'll get some projects. i've been doing it for 15 years and i have about 5 projects a year now. you'll get there."
"i had 6 projects my first year."
i know how you feel. it's as if people assume they are better because - tsk! - you were born in a later year than i was; something neither of us could control. i could use the whole "don't let people look down on you because of your age" bible verse here, but it doesn't do much good when they don't know that verse does it? :-)
hang in there.
Posted by: kyle | November 03, 2006 at 02:13 PM
Greetings from California! I'm trying to view as many of the sites participating in NaBloPoMo as I can (there are a lot). I'm only commenting on the ones I like, and I had to stop and say hi.
Substitute the word "gay" for "black" or "young" and you've got my life in a nutshell.
Catch ya around!
Posted by: Jester | November 04, 2006 at 06:40 AM
Yeah but the down side will be, when you don't get that anymore. I use to be a young lawyer, in need of assistance. NOW I'm the old lawyer you go to for assistance.
Posted by: M&Co. | November 04, 2006 at 12:49 PM
ugh, I'm sorry about that. Want me to come down there and break some knees for you?
Posted by: janet | November 04, 2006 at 11:59 PM