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November 30, 2006



Aside from the fact that iPhoto is currently giving me a GIANT headache.....

I do love, love the Mac. My favorite tips?

F9 - shows all open windows on one screen
F10 - shows all windows open in a program on one screen
F11 - clears all open windows so you can see the desktop
(I use these a ton, especially when I have 5 billion windows open working on a project and want to skim thru them all. I think they are a default apple setting but if not you can make them that way in System Prefs.)

Also, the apple website has a tip of the week. I suggest reading the archive - lots of goodies in there.

Congrats, you will LOVE it!



Activates the capture selection tool. The default format is .png, which is useless. Use Terminal to switch to jpegs, using the following...

Type in: defaults write com.apple.screencapture type jpg

Then, to implement the new format, type: killall SystemUIServer

Type: exit

And you're done. This is a great way to snag graphics from websites and programs to use for blog posts.


hoover - write you are that .png's are useless for most, unless you are building websites! in which case, they are God's gift.

can't say this actually a function on a mac, but you should check out a program called 'delicious library'. http://www.delicious-monster.com. it revolutionized my life.


wow.... "write you are" i said. yikes.


Ooooh. I'm jealous. And I wants one. :)


I have no idea if this works on the Macbooks, but I would assume so. I only found out about this yesterday.

Go to System Preferences, click on Speech. Turn speakable items on. Press esc (or whatever that window says your "listening key" is) and say, "Tell me a joke."



here's my favorite apple tip:
* cut up
* eat with caramel sauce


Well, sarae took mine. Or actually, my son's. He gets to bring a laptop home from school, it's a G4 PowerBook, and that's his favorite thing to do. Have the computer tell him really, really pathetic jokes. mk

sarcastic journalist

My favorite apple function is to take it back to the shop because I dislike Macs.

I know, I'm in the minority.


This is such bad timing Elise!!! I had just decided that I need to spend money on things like, oh, a crib and stroller and things like that instead of a MacBook. Oh man am I ever jealous. SO. JEALOUS.

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