I have a confession. I like my skinny leg jeans.
I know! Proceed to hate me and call me a hypocrite. No one could deserve it more.
But really, they're COMFY. And, as long as I wear a tunic style shirt or at least a shirt that goes over my hips, they are actually quite slimming. Most of us have thin-ish knees, calves, and ankles, you know? And that is what is being showcased in the much-maligned skinny jean.
So, you don't have to have skinny genes to wear the skinny jeans! Ha! I wonder how many fashion editors, frantically trolling the Internet at 3am, came up with that headline.
Ok, ok, I know this post is eye-glazingly, hair-rippingly, rather-stab-yourself-in-the-foot-edly boring. I really am sorry. I would pull the whole "I have SOOO much to do, the store, the new writing gig, Dallas market all day tomorrow, Los Angeles market Wed-Sat" thing but that would be annoying.
I HATE it when people play the "busy and therefore so much more important than you" card. Don't you find that doctor-types do that more than just about anyone? It's like, yes, dude, I know you were on-call last night, and technically have been on the clock for 18 hours straight. But I also realize that about 5 of those hours were spent sleeping in the doctors lounge, 3 pretending to read charts but really gossiping with the ER admissions guy, and 1.5 searching for coffee that isn't two days old.
So, not that busy after all.
And neither am I. I will get my time-management together, just you wait. Soon, I will be posting on this site even more, as a result of the eye-scorching amount of hours I am spending online. I just need to get the hang of mass posting and we'll be good to go.
In the meantime, indulge me. Tell me I'm not entirely crazy to have pulled a Benedict Arnold on the whole anti-skinny jean issue. Can't they be ok, in the right circumstances? Or am I just a sucker?
You're not a Benedict Arnold but you do suck for being able to wear them. As far as I'm concerned if your comfortable then you look fabulous and you probably look fabulous.
Posted by: LC | October 28, 2006 at 01:20 AM
well, to comment honestly we may need a picture so we can say "hoorah, splendid U turn" or...."....silence" in which case you would just know, skinny jeans are truly from the devil. Anything with the name 'skinny' attached sort of makes me cross, apart from skinny cow ice cream, that is the exception to the rule.
Posted by: Helen | October 28, 2006 at 01:03 PM
wearing them. right now.
Posted by: heather | October 28, 2006 at 07:00 PM
I'm still skeptical about skinny jeans, but I did a total 180 last summer about Bermuda shorts, so I'll give you this one.
And yes! Pictures! I'm with Helen.
Posted by: Susan Wagner | October 28, 2006 at 09:00 PM
Ok, but I can't imagine anything scarier than posting a picture, the sole purpose of which would be to let people determine whether or not my THIGHS LOOK MASSIVELY HUGE.
Or, you know, only kind of huge.
Posted by: elise | October 29, 2006 at 01:55 AM
The skinny jeans...no. I can't do them, even though I have pretty thin legs.
Also, planning ahead in this new writing gig works well.
Trust me. Of course, I'm here if you need help.
Posted by: Sarcastic Journalist | October 30, 2006 at 10:02 AM
i want skinny jeans! I'm very happy to hear that you consider yourself a normal person and you love your skinny heans. wahoo. i'll be going to get some this week. ;)
(surfing by via nablopomo btw)
Posted by: colleen | November 09, 2006 at 03:18 AM