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October 31, 2006



Your too freaken funny! You should make some posters and post them all over the house requesting information on the orange juice toting bandit! LOL Even put up a reward of some sexual favor in return of information leading to the where abouts of said red cup holder! See if that doesnt get Cody off his ass looking for more information! LOL


no, but seriously.

where did the cup come from!?



I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the entire situation.

I don't even know how to investigate - do I go around asking my neighbors? I guess tonight might be a good time to do that; instead of "trick-or-treat!" I will scream "DID YOU LEAVE THAT RED CUP ON MY COUNTER, YOU KNOW, THE ONE WITH THE WEIRD ORANGE STUFF, WELL DID YOU??!" when they open the door.


could it have been any one of your parents? there's four possible suspects right there. and... still cody.


Maybe just leave it on the stoop so that if said bandit comes around that they will see it and go "Oh yah thats where I left it" and you can nab him. I would be a bit freaked out too!


Um, I, Anonymous, feel very sheepish. See, I was at your home early on Saturday morning, toting a plastic cup filled with a small amount of orange juice. The person who transported me to your home on Saturday gave me the plastic cup and orange juice. When I arrived at your home, I carried the cup inside and set it on the counter, sipping from it periodically. I don't, however, have much of a thirst -- ever -- so I didn't finish the drink. I know that in my heart I meant to empty the plastic cup and throw it away, and I do ask for your forgiveness and hope that I am not banned from your (very beautiful) home. I also regret any anguish I have caused.





I would prefer to not publicly disclose my identity.


That's ok, Anon. The really important thing is that you've fessed up. Now we all know that not only was I RIGHT about someone who was NOT me or Cody placing the juice on the counter (as if there was any doubt), but also that I am not in any danger of being abducted. Or, you know. Marinated.

What the heck kind of orange juice was that, anyway? It looked (and smelled) like butter.


That's great! My husband would have been easily convinced it was a ghost or something. As he sits watching Ghost Hunters Live Show. What am I married to?


Hmmm, so it would have been a complete waste of time to "get off my ass" and look for clues. It is strange because I completely knew the whole time that it had a perfectly logical explanation. See, that's how not being NUTS saves a person time and energy. However, I am most upset by Elise who claims that it "WAS NOT THERE" that morning because she "ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT'S ON THE COUNTER" all the time. Ummm, it was there from saturday morning on.......Nutzo.
SOOOOOOO Vindicated.


yeah, yeah, yeah.


I do hate missing stuff like this, am always the last to know stuff, was having huge party for many many children and missed just one day of coming here...damn.

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