So, I've been checking my email obsessively today. For some reason* I keep my inbox number at 189. Gmail - Inbox (189), it tells me, every time I point my little arrow cursor at the minimized box. 5 seconds later? Gmail - Inbox (189, still. Quit it). And then I leave the room for what seems an exceptionally reasonable amount of time, come back, and it still says Gmail - Inbox (one eighty-freakin-nine. Seriously, you JUST checked me). I sigh and stomp out of the office and Gmail rolls it's eyes when it thinks I've gone and whispers to Yahoo mail "she's checked me like 87 times in the last 10 minutes. Umm, lady, get a grip - no one is emailing you!" and laughs uproariously. And Yahoo mail wishes that it didn't suck so bad and tries to think of something clever to say, but just as it comes up with the perfect witty aside, Gmail is unavailable, being checked again. By me. 189. My nemesis.
I actually do get emails on a pretty regular basis. They give me a slight reprieve, because I'll frantically dash back into my little office in between customers to see if the magic number has changed, and hey! 192! And then I maniacally click on the box and see that...nope, not the email I'm waiting for. And so, instead of doing the sane and normal thing, which would be minimizing the box, remembering that now 193 means a new email, and going back to my customers, I have to read each email RIGHT THEN, and make sure that my inbox once again only contains 189 unread emails. Because 189 is the number I have to see; 189 is the number that still allows me hope, 189 is the number of eternal promise.
Sadly, this has not been going on for only one day. Or even one week. No, I have been doing this for approximately three weeks now, the obsessive checking, the frenetic hasty reading and then deleting, the demented practice of maintaining the mystical 189.
I am thinking, somewhere in that part of my brain that tries to rationalize my insanity, that once I receive this email I am waiting for, I won't have to keep my inbox on 189. But there's no guarantee of that. No, for all I know I may be sitting here next year, posting about hey, remember last October, when I thought it was weird that I felt it necessary to keep my Gmail inbox on 189? Hahaha, that was funny, because OBVIOUSLY IT HAS TO STAY THERE. 189. Duh.
Someone help me.
*I'd venture to guess that you might have figured out the reason by now.
I am just as obsessive but have to keep my email box EMPTY. no emails, so when I see 9 emails, whoohoo...people love me. survey people anyway, do this survey and win a if.
Posted by: Helen | October 18, 2006 at 09:18 AM
lol, I have to have mine at 0 too!!! If I have email I go woohooo!! gotta read RIGHT NOW!!! then delete, or put it in some other folder than the INBOX!! Its like a game: Inbox zero - Saved mail 189! LOL Ok so is it an email from me tha tyour waiting for? Alright I'll send it to you! LOL
Posted by: CJ | October 18, 2006 at 10:53 AM