It could be the unnamable but unmistakably familiar aroma you smell right as you open your front door after a long day away from home. It could be the high note in a song you've never heard but somehow remember. It could be the little rush of endorphins that assault your senses as you decide that you will buy the new Charles David patent leather, pointy toe, sling back pump with a raised satin heel cup and pleating detail, and what could possibly be too hard to face in those shoes?
Sometimes it's nothing but the thought, however fleeting, that someday, you will be able to sit at the corner table in a coffee shop with nothing to do but read and sip. And you remember how you felt the last time you had that pleasure. Sometimes it's the smooth feel of the remote control in your hand with three good shows Tivoed and a bowl of warm popcorn in your lap.
Maybe particularly poignant lyrics, the kind that make you want to smile and cry at the same time, are what brings it on. Maybe it's nothing more than knowing that at the end of the day, no matter what else went wrong, your dog will still love you.
I think it has something to do with the thought of laying my troubles down, and having something left once they are gone. Knowing that if everything hard, everything bad, was removed from my life, even if it was just for a few seconds, I would still be there, and for those fleeting moments, peace would be the only thing I knew.