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September 05, 2006



Remember, fishermen need chiropractors.

AND, I am still going to finish that survey. It's a saved draft.

And you're right: Kyle is sooo dumb.


Do you ever have dreams about going back to school? I mean REAL dreams where you're back and trying to find your way to a college class that you've been ducking out on all semester? I've had those dreams for years. Unfulfilled dreams. That's what it means.


I thought that's what those dreams meant, Wordgirl. So now I'm halfway through my MBA. And I still have the dreams. I think its that panic of not knowing what we think we're supposed to, what everyone else seems to grasp so easily, and the feeling that if we could just find the right room where we're meant to be it will all be okay.


Hah. Why do you want to move? THE BEACH. HELLOOOO. Then you said it for me in the last sentance. =)

But the cost of living in CA is, like, way expensive. My parents neighbors just sold their home for over 1 million. And it's just a normal house on a rather smallish lot!!! I would move out of state to your darling custom home in East Texas in a heart beat. I think. But you have no beach.


Said like a true Californian, living in Cali, with no intent to move :)


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