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September 08, 2006


Liz (Mom Unscripted)

I have to admit that last paragraph is what I think but then I know that I keep my blog pretty private. Besides its not like I have that great an ability anyway! I did forego college for a husband and then a few years later a kid. I could go I suppose. That English major may still serve a purpose and hey maybe they will accept me again to art school? Not likely unless they are looking for expert finger painters with minors in crayons.

Liz (Mom Unscripted)

Oh and I love reading what you say. From the day I found your blog you became my first read every day and I love LOVE getting comments from you in mine or emails. Oh man does that make me a groupie??


I miss you!! We need to make a trip over there to see you soon! I love that you're blogging regularly again- I've missed it! I think Al threw down a challenge though- and as a fan of both, I must say I'll all for it! :)


Well ever since SJ posted your link, I visit daily!!! I use you as my go to blog in the morning! I get to work and start reading (yes I have a very pressing job!!!). Yours is always the first to put a smile on my face! By the way, thank you for being my first poster!


I had great plans of running away from home as a child too. I imagined returning home to my remorseful and gracious parents throwing their arms around me in joy. I stopped having these fantasies when I finally asked my mom what she would do if I ever really did run away.
"I'd spank your bottom."
She did not sound remorseful.


I don't write for the stats either. That said, I've written for money and it IS AWFULLY NICE. Really.


I write for the money. If I had it my way, I'd watch TV all day.


Kyle, no one cares what you say.

Did you hear me? NO ONE!

P.S. You look like Kermit the Frog.

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