I read this post today on the website of my dear friend Allison. I must say, she hit the nail ON THE HEAD. Give it a read and see if you don't agree. And, if you see nothing abnormal about any of these examples, then I will probably have to add you to the list of possible mass murderers wandering undetected in our very midst.
Number 5 of 7 in "TV Commercials that Disturb Me" is presented below as a teaser.
5. Classic Mr. Clean bits have been underestimated when it comes to disturbability. I know he's got the sexy pirate thing going for him, but if I saw his face appear in the bathtub I had just cleaned, I'd be more than a little concerned. It's hard to tell if the women in these commercials are more excited about their cleaning success or by the wink Cleanie gives them when they finish the job. Maybe he's not there at all....maybe they're just high on fumes. They're exasperated by the lack of their husband's appreciation for their housekeeping efforts, and the whole thing is a chemical induced fantasy about a man FINALLY noticing how good they are at what they do. It's less treacherous than having an affair.