Call me old fashioned, but I think it's GREAT to have a wife who takes care of her husband at home, and a husband who takes care of his wife at work. "What's wrong with a man taking care of a woman? After all, she takes care of him,"
Meaning, the husband goes to work and earns money to pay the bills and such, and the wife makes sure the house is clean and that the laundry is always done and that the house is a pleasant place to come home to, and she gets the things he puts on the grocery list, and takes the videos back and does all those little things that EVERYONE KNOWS there is no time for when you have to work full-time. At least I know, because when I worked full-time, it was hard enough for me to get my work done and get home before 7:30 and then sit on the couch without falling asleep just so that I could get up and do it all over again.
All those little things just got left on the wayside; late fees from Blockbuster piling up, laundry in three or four baskets littering the floor, dishes in the sink, and fast food wrappers galore.
I cannot even begin to explain how much I hate it when women say RIDICULOUS PRETENTIOUS CRAP like "Oh, so we're just supposed to be their maids?" "We've worked for so many decades for this empowerment we have, and we're just supposed to THROW IT ALL AWAY to be some man's housemaid?? I don't think so."
I want to throw these women against a wall and smash their heads in.
I feel just about the same way when encountered by women and men who seem to think that their career is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE UNIVERSE, and should therefore take up nearly all of their waking hours and most of their resting ones as well.
I want to scream at them "Don't you realize that America is THE MOST UNHEALTHY NATION IN THE WORLD?? Don't you understand the huge discrepancy between having the world's best and most advanced health care, and then somehow having the MOST UNHEALTHY CITIZENS?" We are getting fatter, eating worse, working more, taking less vacation, accumulating more stress which leads to more Cortisol which leads to more FAT, which leads to less exercise, which leads to more heart attacks which leads to EARLY DEATH PEOPLE, WHAT IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE??
Just keeping up with the Jones's, right? Well that's really wonderful. GENIUS, IN FACT. Good plan. Keep that up. I'm sure when you're dying in a hospital bed (probably the very same bed your neighbor died in last week, isn't that special?) from your fourth heart attack your third wife will come to visit you, keeping one of her heavily-made up eyes on the heart monitor, mentally spending YOUR money that YOU have used YOUR WHOLE LIFE to accumulate because she knows she'll be getting it all as soon as that little line on the monitor will just...stand....still.
"Oh, but I'm a Vice-President from Ernst & Young. Surely you cannot recognize the magnitude of my glory. I have worked more hours than you can imagine to retain such a glorious position in life." "Oh, and I'm a doctor. Surely you do not realize how Important and Smart that makes me. Being on call 75% of the time, being too busy or tired for anything real, and sleeping in a cot in the hospital only supplies me with more ammunition for proof of how Awesome I truly am."
GET OVER YOURSELVES, PLEASE. You are NOT so big and important. Corporate America DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR PRESTIGIOUS TITLE, and neither does anyone else, really. So get over it, start taking time for your family because they might eventually start caring about you again, take care of yourself, relax, work for what you need, and not for what your billionaire neighbors just bought, and maybe, just maybe, you will be able to grasp on to something that actually matters and live a meaningful life.