This is in thanks for the GIANT BALLOON TOWER you all brought that tripped every single waiter, hostess, and customer who made the mistake of walking behind OUR table. Thanks for the Sun-In when I asked for hair highlights, the Pachelbel CD when I asked for violin lessons, and the mouse pad when I asked for a computer. Very clever, REALLY.
Dad, thanks for making me cherry turnovers instead of a birthday cake because ALL I WANTED WAS CHERRY TURNOVERS, and you didn't need Mom there to do that. Mom, I missed you a lot. I'm sorry you are having to deal with all of this stuff, but your spirit was there anyway, especially when no one could use their chopsticks right and when Dad didn't even burn those cherry turnovers. Cody, thanks for taking me to see a movie you may or may not have hated, and even more for putting up with me when we got back home and all the sadness and frustration came back WITH A VENGEANCE. Most of all, thank you all for celebrating what could have been a really bad birthday with me.