San Ann Tone was much fun. We have a lot of pictures, too, and I am very excited to post them all on here for your viewing pleasure. However, we are all at the mercy of Cody, who has demanded that he be given a Job On The Computer, and is therefore in charge of titling, captioning, and posting all our pictures in a neat little slide show. He and I agreed on this in the car on the way back, but as the evening progressed, and the pictures were NOT getting titled, captioned, OR posted, I decided to take matters into my own hands, and began the process. That is until Cody found out what I was up to, at which point I was gently reprimanded and told to "stop being such a freaking control freak". I thought this was rude, but decided to be the bigger person and am leaving everything in Cody's hands. Very trustingly. And not at all controllingly. NOT EVEN KIND OF.
When the pictures are up (NOT that I CARE or am IMPATIENT about the timing of this actually happening) you will notice a shot of a hotel bed with white sheets and no blankets. As relatively mundane as this shot may seem, please do not be deceived. And also please do not harbor any thoughts of a sexual nature regarding this picture. The photo was not taken for such purposes, and any such thoughts should be directed towards someone else entirely. Try Paris Hilton; I hear that her porn tape is now on sale at most magazine stands across the U.S. (Utah and Pensacola, FL excluded).
No, this blanketless bed was the cause of a fairly impressive row in the Carter household. Basically, I didn't want to sleep on the hotel bed at all, unless the comforter was completely removed. I don't see what the big deal was with this request. It wasn't cold in the room, and you do know they don't wash those things but every once in a while. You do know that, right? And you do realize that we were not, by any standards, staying in what some might refer to as a "nice" hotel. You do realize that other people, even poorer and grosser than us, have been doing WHO KNOWS WHAT, right ON TOP OF THAT COMFORTOR, RIGHT? THE VERY SAME COMFORTOR THEY DON'T WASH?!?
I trust that you can all see the graveness of this situation. Probably many of you would have just hopped back in the car, turned it around, and driven back home. Don't think I didn't consider the very same thing. Who could be expected to sleep in such conditions? What kind of a cruel world would conceive of it? But NO, I was determined to be a trooper.
The thing is, I have this totally unique and awesome way of dealing with the situations I find myself in, but I am completely unappreciated in my time. Instead of just giving into the PARALYZING FEELINGS of fear and disgust that OCD often blesses me with, I try to find innocuous solutions. The last time I was in such a hotel room situation, I BRILLIANTLY decided that insted of sleeping in FILTH, OH, THE FILTH OF IT ALL, I would just bring my own sheets. Sheets don't take up much space in a bag, they take about 2 minutes to put on a bed, and viola! A clean bed! Oustanding.
But to hear Cody tell it, you would think I had suggested that we both don Hazmat suits, construct a giant, germ-resistent bubble, lug it into our hotel room, spray the room down with disenfectant, meditate to the God of Cleanliness, and then go to sleep. He told me in no uncertain terms that I would NOT be bringing sheets with us to any hotel rooms, nor would he allow me to "indulge" myself (oh, the blissful INDULGENCE, the f-ing EUPHORIA) in my obsessive compulsiveness. Instead, I was instructed to "deal with it, it's just a BED."
We ended up sleeping in the bed, but without the comfortor. And I was able to accomplish this only after I delivered a very moving exhortation on the dangers of STD's and Other Terrible Diseases, on the sadness of families finding their loved ones nipped in the rosy bud of life, all because they were too BUSY AND CARELESS to put clean sheets on a bed, and then Cody was falling asleep and said "Fine! FINE!!" and kicked all the blankets off of the bed. And as he drifted off to sleep, he even mumbled "Just bring sheets next time, I don't care anymore...geez."
And that, my friends, is how I defeated the viles of Contamination once more, and have recorded another hard-fought victory for the Clean Side.