I woke up this morning, laying in a wet spot about the size of a watermelon. Right by my head. Actually, to be more precise, my head was right in IT. And yes, I WILL start my sentences with "and" and end them in prepositions! About! Beyond! Behind! Beneath! Before! But, by, and beginning! I am no slave to the English language.
Anyhow, that wet spot was not caused my massive amounts of drool, as you might well assume. It was also not caused by any sort of bladder control issues, which I'm sure you NEVER EVEN CONSIDERED. It was, however, caused by the spray bottle we have to keep on hand at all times in order to "control" Dr. Vegetable's insanity, slowly leaking all over my sheet, my duvet, and finally my TempurPedic® pillow. NO! NOT THE TEMPURPEDIC® PILLOW! SURELY SOME THINGS REMAIN SACRED!
No. They don't. Not anymore. And that goes double for me, the Wife-With-A-Cat. I gotta say, though...there's nothing like waking with Damp and Tepid sheets and pillows and clothing. It's kind of like eating something that doesn't exactly agree with you, but doesn't really make you sick, either. You just feel funny all day long.