Last night, while working at a college fair, endorsing a school I did not attend, and trying my best to field questions to which I had no response, I decided something. Repeatedly peering over to the table of my ACTUAL college, trying to see if the person manning the table had come back or was someone I knew, but instead making accidental eye-contact MANY times with the chef-looking guy behind the Culinary Institute table, will only lead to said chef assuming that EITHER I am a stalker who is trying to kill him OR I am in love with his sexy cooking-school self. WOW what a long sentence! I really would try to break it up if I cared just a little bit more. At any rate, by the end of the night it appeared that whoever was supposed to man the table for my old college had better things to do, and the chef was probably deciding whether to call the police or ask for my number.
In other news, after reading some archives at a FABULOUS, WONDERFUL, AMAZING site that you should all go read, (go to "Dooced" in the category list) I decided something else. Writing stories about my current job, however entertaining they may be, is a BAD BAD PLAN AND I WILL NOT DO IT ANYMORE EVER NOT EVEN ONCE*. However, I am (sadly) going to be quitting this job as of December 17 in order to make an Easternly move to the Eastern regions of East Texas. I will then be free of any work-related blogging constraints, and will feel perfectly free to blog about any and everything that pleases me. At the very moment I please. And you'll all be subjected to it. Plus, hopefully the next time I have a job to blog about, I'll be the owner, and will therefore encourage all blogging endeavors.
*Except to report, as a last farewell to job-related blogging, that my boss was just called a Grinch by one of his associates. And I happen to agree.