You know when you're feeling super emotional (I may have just limited my audience) and the littlest things seem to matter a lot?
Well, as most of you probably know, I am currently working as a legal assistant in a "family" (read: divorce) law firm. It's really easy to just get lost in the details of work, especially when I am usually occupied with typing and filing and such things. I used to get really interested in all of our cases, and try to read through all the depositions, becoming more and more appalled by the awful situations these families were going through. Now, only 6 months later, I just check for the name, and file appropriately.
Today, though, I got a nice little dose of reality when I heard my insightful co-worker, while sorting through piles of bank statements and credit cards and business plans and wills and testaments and decrees, make this observance:
"I never want to get to a point where my entire life can fit into a manilla folder."
I don't know what it was about that statement, but it just seemed especially poignant to me. How do people get reduced to that? I'm sure that no one starts out with such a goal in mind, but believe me, there are more people than not who end up that way. How can we avoid such a fate? What happens to people between point A and point B? I know the on-paper answer(s) but I think it goes a lot deeper than that.
In other news, while walking to Starbucks on my lunch break (the neighborhood I work in is very pedestrian-friendly and reminds me of NYC most of the time) I stepped in a crack and broke the little stiletto heel-cover off of my right shoe. It seems like a relatively small problem in the shoe-mishap department, but every time I take a step, my shoe makes this little clanking noise, followed by a scrape caused by the screw that is now sticking out of the bottom of my shoe.
I've always had visions of my future self as an old college professor lady, spilling coffee on all my students papers and remaining completely oblivious to my quirkiness while all my students make fun of me. I think I may have accomplished Step One of that goal on my walk back this afternoon, as I clanked/scraped/dragged my right foot all the way back to work while reading a book and paying little to no attention to my direction. Unfortunately, I never considered what a spectacle I was probably making of myself until I was already back at work and it was all too late.
Today was my favorite weather. 65 degrees, cloudy, and jazz music playing outside Starbucks. And yes, I do think that should all fall under the category of weather. Weather means conditions, and those are all legitimate conditions. So there. What's your weather like today? It's the new cool way to ask :)