Well, it seems that the election is finally over. And since it is over, I don't think it's too necessary to say anything much about it at all, if you'll except me these two things:Anyhow, we ended up making a deal, which, in Cody's defense, never should have worked out favorably for me. I had to get permission from our apartment manager not only to have a cat in our no-pets lease apartment, but also to not have to pay ANYTHING extra for said cat. I then had to ask both of our roomates (yep, weird situation, ask if you're super-curious), who are both also cat-haters (what is WRONG with these people??) if it was "okay" for me to have a kitty. Well, this plan was doomed from the start, but with my poignant charm and the luck of having a cat-loving apartment manager (yea for her), everything was soon in order.
I informed Cody of the great news (nonplused would suffice to describe that response), and set out to pick up my new kitty. She spend the majority of the night either hiding under the bed being quiet, or hiding under the bed meowing. She's obviously smart AND multi-faceted. I love her, and for reasons that seem to have escaped my control, her name is Dr. Jillian Vegetable. Don't ask.
1) I believe that the Lord reigns supreme over this and every other major and minor event in the world, and therefore we can trust Him with the results; and
2) I hope that this term truly is for history. And in a good way. And I think we can all legitimately hope for that.
NOW....onto other things. And this is big news. After the sudden (and suspicious) departure of the beloved JacktheCat, I was distraught. My relationships with neighbors diminished, as I relentlessly perused my apartment complex for hours and hours, night after night, calling "Jaaaaaaccck! Jaaaaaccckieee?". My husband became increasingly perplexed at my sudden bouts of crying at Bounty paper towel commercials featuring a troublesome cat knocking kool-aid on the floor. A blue bear, from Schlitterbahn, somehow made his way from being relegated to a box in the garage to sleeping in bed with us, every night, and invoking search parties if he went missing even for a few minutes. All to say, I was not handling Jack's absence very well. And it was taking a toll.
After Schlitterbear "turned up" in my carry-on bag on our flight to California, and Cody rudely refused to let him look out the window OR sit with a seatbelt on, we decided that something had to be done. I, of course, wanted to get a new kitty. Cody, being an incredible cat-hater, was somewhat opposed. After several failed attempts, I had pretty much resigned myself to waiting the infinite month and a half until we moved into a house and could get a dog. Or a cat, as I often reminded everyone.
However, two days ago, a huge development raised its lovely head and smiled upon me. I think it spat upon Cody, but I saw it as a smile. Anyway, a few months ago, a woman (we'll call her Rich Dallas Aerobics Woman, or RDAW), kindly took in a knocked-up cat. This cat, of course, sat around being perfect (as cats are) until one day, all of her little bastard children were born. Now RDAW, being an obviously sweet and kind-hearted woman, wanted to keep all these tiny kitties, but already having three cats and a dog, did not feel that it would be in her best interest to do so. Especially considering the fact that there are probably already more than a few who call her the Cat Lady. And no one wants that. At any rate, RDAW set out to find parents for all these little kittens. This wonderful woman even offered to pay for all their spaying and shots, all in exchange for a loving home. And luckily enough for me, I have a friend who works at this woman's fitness club, and she caught wind of the whole thing.
Of course she thought immediately of poor catless Elise, and called me right up. I of course immediately thought of my poor poor husband (well, no, I didn't) but after my initial excitement, I was reminded of the huge cat-barricade he would construct in order to prevent me from taking advantage of this fabulous offer. So I psyched myself up and delivered a very moving speech, advocating the freedom and health of these poor, fatherless kittens, and detailing all the wonderful advantages we could give to our very own precious new kitty. But for some reason, Cody didn't even look like he cared. I'm sure he was holding the emotion within, but he could've fooled me.