I need a ruling....... Ok, Elise and I had a verbal contract. Jack the cat was going to become a part of our family and allowed to go on biting and hissing until his final day when God sent him to hell to bite and harass and perhaps overthrow the mighty Lucipher. This was hard for me, but the deal was no more cats after Jack. Now Jack was a young cat, 2-3 years old, and could quite possibly live another 15 years. I myself have a cat that I grew up with who is rapidly approaching her 18th birthday. She will NEVER die. This cat, Kit (we really didn't even bother to give her a name) outlived 4 beloved family dogs. And this cat managed to do so with absolutely zero love and affection. So the risk that I accept is that the cat I truly hate will live until Elise is approaching 175 lbs and we have moved into our 3rd double-wide home. I mean, that's the good years. However, there is a chance that Jack bites the wrong guy or crawls down another sewer pipe (long story) and dies from the ammonia and his reign of terror is halted. That is the risk from her side. Sounded pretty fair to me when we AGREED to it. What determination would the law make in this case. Is that verbal contract defendable?
Because, at this point, I feel like Dr. Jillian Vegetable is an unauthorized resident in our home, and it caused me to feel somewhat defeated on what should have been a really happy and victorious day yesterday. It even contributed to some hostility towards others (punitive damages). Please, will somebody take this case?
By the way, her defense is "I didn't know Jack would die so soon and that's not fair. I want another Kitty"