You may have noticed the new format. I wanted to officially welcome Cody to the blog and when I saw this template, I just knew it would be perfect.
However, there is another reason for the change. I wanted to say goodbye, also officially, to my haircolor. I have, officially, ruined it. There is a small chance of saving it if the people at Toni and Guy can perform a major pigment miracle, but the likelyhood of it ever resembling a color found in God's creation is slim to none.
I wish I knew how to post pictures so that everyone could know the incredible catastrophe that is my hair, but perhaps it is a good thing that I don't.
Here's my best attempt to explain: Imagine this color, fading to this color, then chunking into this color. It's a huge mess. Ugh. It's kind of like when that nacho cheese truck overturned in the road and all the cars coming through slid all over the road, colliding into one another and causing a giant, cheesy disaster. The similarities are striking not only in the "How disgusting!" department, but also in the "I can't believe that just happened," department, not to mention the "I can't look away bcause it's too awful!" department.
I eventually drove myself so insane looking at it that I had to tie a scarf around my head and go to bed. Cody made the observation that he never would have imagined going to bed with hair product scattered around the room, a cat refusing to move from his pillow, and a wife who insists on sleeping with a hair scarf. I tearfully replied: "Oh yeah?? WELL JUST WAIT!" I think it was sound advice, officially.