Advice to the Christian voter.............
I have been really taken aback several times in the past few weeks to hear that people I know, who share the same moral and religious viewponts as I do, are "on the fence" in their voting mindset. If you are one of these people who believes in and attempts to live by the Judeo-Christian set of morals and ethics, then I have real trouble understanding how this could be a difficult election for you. So here I am on this pre-election Monday to try and give you just a few last pieces of advice/information to help you wade through all of the crap that this country is trying to turn this election into, and help you simplify the issues from a standpoint of a fellow Christian. It is really easy to lose our perspective because the world does not even focus on what is most important. I think it is so relieving to have a time-tested and infallable standard of morals and beliefs to filter this barrage of information that we receive every day........even from friends.
I'll try to keep my opinions out of this as much as possible:
#1 This war in the middle east is a religious war between muslims and Christians. They hate Christianity because they worship a "god" who instructs them to do so. This "god" is not our God, and since there are not 2 Gods in this world, they must be under the control of the only other being that is able to control the will of man......and I sure as hell don't trust that guy. What a terrifying enemy we face.....lets face it with a leader that believes as we do and understands our enemy.
#2 The most important aspect of this election or any election should be family values and morals. You know as a Christian that when these things are straight in your own life, you are able to handle just about any problem that comes at you. Why would this be different from the standpoint of a country? Yesterday, in Dayton Ohio, Mr. Kerry questioned politicians who make "values" a large part of their agenda. He said, "I don't see them, when they talk about family values, actually valuing families, " and then he cited tax cuts that tilt toward the wealthy and bemoaned cut-backs in after-school programs and children's health care. WHAT A TELLING STATEMENT! His perception of family values relates to financial issues. Family values and quality of life are not the same thing. I know I am much more concerned as a future Christian father (no Elise is not pregnant.....MUCH more "future" than that) about having to deal with my child wanting to go play at his buddies house who has two daddies, and with what my child will be exposed to in school, in books, in television programs, all pounding this new "normal" family "tolerance" into everyone's brains as the ACTUAL family values in this country are eroded.
#3 If you are against abortion then there is only one choice for you. It doesn't matter if you are for or against the war, if you think Bush is a little stammering Texas hillbilly idiot that mispronounces words like "nuclear", or if you think that John Kerry is the smartest and most wonderful man you have ever laid eyes on. In January, on the 31st anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, Mr. Kerry once again voiced his support for the decision that completely neglected the moral issues involved in choosing an abortion. This fall, in New Hampshire, Mr. Kerry openly voiced his approval for EXPANDING (that word is really scary considering the source) embryonic stem-cell research without making any reference to the ethical aspect of the issue. You have probably heard the stats before, but sometimes people need reminders. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), there have been over 40 MILLION abortions since the decision in 1973 and 95% of those have been for birth control reasons. Without doing a ton of research, I am pretty sure that that death toll is greater than all of the recorded wars in the history of humanity.
Nothing in this world makes me lose my mind more than hearing a living, breathing, and functioning human being speak of the 1200+ loss of life in this war as an atrocity and then, in the next breath, voice support for a candidate that vows to appoint only "pro-choice" justices.
There have been well over a million abortions each year since 1977, and this man applauds that fact.
There you go, three simple things for you to think about if you were too irresponsible to do your own research. I already know that to the pseudo-intellectual I probably sound like a simple-minded right-winged "moron", but I hope you can see through that. I find that intellectualism often opposes wisdom. I also am not so stubborn to realize that not everyone will agree with what I have just said.
What I have trouble understanding is how someone who shares my religious beliefs can allow themselves to be completely robbed of their perspective by people who lack the capacity to understand what is important to us.
All I am asking is that before you go to the polls tomorrow you actually weigh the issues, in order of their importance, to your own set of values, and that you ignore what is the worldy accepted viewpoint of these issues......even as the "enlightened, free-thinking" student or young adult that you think you are. This is one of the most debated elections in history, but it should be one of the easiest decisions for Christians. If it isn't, then please just stay home tomorrow, because we don't really need you to go up there and listen to someone in line who sounds smart, or whatever liberal news-spun sound byte plays on the radio just before exiting your car, and then mark that ballot like a jack-ass.
Pray for this election!