Huh. Just when I thought I'd seen it all....
I'd like to present my thoughts on an issue that has just come about over at Thoughts From the 3rd Floor. It seems that while our good friend Hoover has been very faithful at providing both his viewpoints and his entertainment in interesting and intelligent ways, some of us have chosen to respond in somewhat ignorant, critical, and rude manners. While such responses are certainly inappropriate and discourteous, they even more so are confusing.
Speaking from the vantage point of being married to a man with VERY strong opinions on politics (Bush all the way, all the time) and being friends with a man with VERY strong and opposite opinions on politics (Pro-anyonebutBush), I feel that I have gained some tact and understanding in dealing with these intense convictions. The key, I believe, is recognizing that each of us is duly entitled to our OWN, individual views on nearly any given subject. As Christians (if we claim such membership), our views should line up with the views and guidelines presented in scripture, as an act of obedience to the Lord and as a display of His rule in our lives. These views will, of course, be the same at the bottom line and will be expressed differently as our own individual personalities allow. I feel that possibly the reason Adam's particular views, as displayed at Thoughts From the 3rd Floor, have been attacked in such a manner is because they can easily be confused as Christian/non-Christian issues. However, this is simply NOT the case. Any professed dislike of Bush and his politics should be seen as a response to what one has seen/read/heard during Bush's tenure as President (and the years preceeding, in some cases). Any distrust for Bush and his ethics should not be considered as an attempt to determine whether Bush is or is not a Christian. I feel very strongly that neither Adam nor anyone else who has agreed with his positions would claim to have any inside information on eternal soul destinations.
Consider a fight between children in Sunday School, or a discussion between Christian theologists from two different camps. Neither of these situations should ever end in suggestions of the other persons eternal destiny. We do not have to agree with every opinion we each have as brothers and sisters in Christ. The comparison of the body of Christ to an actual body paints a fairly clear picture of each member being different, and having different purposes. It has not ever made, and never will make any sense to attack each other over disputes. If we cannot understand that we are all created uniquely, with our own viewpoints, likes, and dislikes, in the ultimate purpose to bring the absolute most glory to the Lord by working together, then we are defeating the body of Christ completely.
Politics and religion are always the touchy issues. Knowing this, let's make an attempt, at least, at being intelligent human beings and allowing people to have different viewpoints than our own.