ahem, ahem....
Holly Elise Carter
Thanks. :)
And, for your exclusive viewing pleasure, our wedding pictures. -Album I -Album II
These are all compliments of Jessica Thompson, possibly the coolest woman and photographer in existence today. Her website is www.elitepetitephotography.com, if you're interested. She's INCREDIBLE. And, incredibly fun :) Or maybe it had something to do with the circumstances. I'd like to think it was a beautiful meshing of the perfect 75 degree August evening in East Texas (WHAT?), the gorgeous outdoor Southern plantation, the amazing beauty of God's creation of nature, and definitely the wonderful, diverse and truly FUN people we were surrounded with. Anyway, I hope you enjoy them, because we sure do!
By the way....The Lord has blessed me tremendously in the past few months. I just want all of you to know how truly happy I am. Thanks for always being such great friends!