Weird things Cody Dixon did tonight
1. Asked me who called when my phone rang and then immediately took it back, saying "I'm so nosy, I'm like a girl"
2. Got about 2 inches from Amy's face and made some kind of weird barking noise while she was trying to help him figure out his schedule
3. Stuffed his entire mouth full of cookie dough, spit/drooled some out on himself, some on the couch, some back in the bowl, gagged a few times, and then spit the rest in our (broken) sink, which we had already warned him NOT to use...then apologized and asked if we minded having regurgitated cookie dough left over in the bowl or sink
4. Complained the entire time Amy and I were watching Average Joe, saying that it was stupid and a waste of time and that we should definitely be watching football instead. So, Amy and I changed it to football, began discussing defensive strategies, and after Cody sat there quietly for a while, he said "Man, I think she's gonna vote those two fat guys off."
Seriously though, Cody is the coolest and provides many hours of entertainment for all he spends time with :) Yea for Cody!!