Recent times people have mistaken me for a high schooler:
1. Corsicana, TX, at a gas station -
Gas Lady: "Oh, sweetie, did you just graduate with all your friends?
Me: trying to be tactful "Uhh...well....not really....umm."
Gas Lady: "Oh, well don't worry about it, college will be right around the corner before you know it! Don't try and grow up too fast!"
Me: "Yeah, that's what I hear."
2. Movie Theater -
Ticket Lady: "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to see your ID."
Me: "I don't have it with me, I think it's in the car....I'm actually 22"
Ticket Lady: rolling her eyes "Yeah, honey, you and all the kids behind you" (referring to a group of Abercrombie-clad 16 year olds.
3. The daycare I work at, while I was
carrying a 6 month old baby down the hall:
Random Mother: "Awww, what a sweet baby girl.....she's beautiful! Not to be nosy, but you couldn't have been more than 16 when you had her!"
Me: "Uhhh.....well...actually she's not mine. And I'm actually about to ok, see you." (the lady had subsequently lost interest in the conversation and was walking away)
4. Starbucks Coffee -
Weird Coffee Guy: shamelessly flirting and retorting to my comment that the caramel there is the best thing in the whole world "Well, once you're older, you might find one or two things you like better than the caramel"
Me: "How old do I have to get before it won't be the best thing anymore?"
Weird and now Gross Coffee Guy: wink wink "Maybe once you're in college"
Me: Ick.
5. Texas Tech Extended Studies -
Office Lady: "Can I help you?"
Me: "I need to get registered for a correspondence course"
Office Lady: "Oh, the high school classes register at this other office"
Me: "Ugh! I'm NOT in high school! I'm actually about to graduate! IN DECEMBER! I'M NEARLY 23! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE??!!??"