I feel that as a consumer, every time I go to the store to buy a product, I am entering into an unspoken contractual agreement with the producer of said product. Inherent in this agreement is the understanding that the product I receive will be worthy of the money I spent. Otherwise, the producer has the obligation to either replace the product, or return my money.
Now that the specifics are out of the way, I would like to state that I do not, in any way, feel that Wal Mart kept its end of that agreement today. Perhaps I am being too hard on Wal Mart, and the blame, instead, should be placed squarely on the shoulders of the Red Baron. The product in question is one Red Baron hamburger pizza, purchased in good faith by myself and my roomate, at Wal Mart, this very evening. The problem at hand is that the pizza looks as if someone very large has taken a big bite out of the crust. And, as if the fact that some breed of giant, or someone with Elephantiasis of the jaw, has been gnawing on our pizza is not disturbing in and of itself, there is also a relatively large, blackish-brownish area in the crust where it looks suspiciously as if some sort of large bug accidentally made its way into the pizza dough.
Now you tell me: Did we get our money's worth? Was this unspoken contract upheld on both sides? Should we have thrown the pizza out, eaten it, or sent it to a lab to be tested for sick and gross things? Because I'll tell you - the results of what we actually did are still pending.