oooh, I am pissed off. Tech loves to screw people over. It's so aggravating, because state schools have the unique situation where they are able to make whatever decisions they feel like, whenever they feel like making them, just because the number of students it will affect will never be enough to make a difference. One pissed off student isn't going to change anything. Here is a copy of a letter (with all incriminating details left out) I just had to send, so you can see where the annoyance is coming from.
Dear ****(and no, that isn't to replace a bad word :)),
My name is Elise Foreman and I am an English minor. I am a senior with over 100 hours currently, and I am supposed to graduate in December 2003. However, I have encountered a major problem that I really need the English department's help with.
I made a **** on my SAT as a senior in high school and was therefore exempt from ENGL 1301 at my first university (Dallas Baptist). When I transferred to Texas Tech as a junior, I had the understanding that my exemption and credit would transfer as well. As soon as I found out (by looking at my transcript, not because anyone told me) that the ENGL 1301 credit did not transfer, I set out to get that credit. I met with my advisor, who told me that the exemption did not transfer but that I could take a CLEP test to take care of the class. I signed up for a test date at the beginning of the summer, for ENGL 1301, and when I came back from Tyler to take the test, I was informed that in an "overnight decision" the ENGL 1301 CLEP test is no longer going to be offered at Tech. That also means that I cannot take the one other CLEP test that I needed to take, which is for a sophomore level credit in English, because I have to have both 1301 and 1302 completed before I can take it.
****, I'm sure you can understand the problem I am facing. I have made either the dean's or the president's lists my last three semesters here at Tech. I made a **** on my SAT. I have taken the LSAT, because when I graduate I am going to law school, and I scored a ***, which is in the **th percentile, with a ***** score on the reading comprehension section. I cannot begin to understand why Texas Tech would not allow me to take a test that I was already registered to take, because of someone's "overnight decision". This is unfair. The CLEP office said that if I got express permission from the English department, then they would be able to administer the tests. I feel that it is imperative that the English department give this permission so that I can take the tests I was already registered to take, get the credits that I should already have, and be able to graduate on time in December.
I have left you a phone message, and if you could please call me back as soon as possible I would greatly appreciate it. I would also be more than happy to come in and talk with you in person, or meet with anyone else there who needs to hear about this situation. Feel free to forward this email to anyone else whom this might concern. I appreciate your time and your help.
Elise Foreman
if any of you have some suggestions of something else I can do to fix this situation, let me know. Because right now, I think I'm about to drop out of school and move to Costa Rica and never ever think about Texas Tech again.