As a result of not feeling too well, I took some Tylenol PM last night around 6:45pm. You who know me well most likely know of my extreme non-tolerance for any kind of medication (i.e. I still have to take Dimetapp instead of NyQuill or anything normal like that). So, the Tylenol PM was a risk, but it was one I was willing to take, because of the beforementioned not-feeling-so-well and also because I really really don't want to get sick right now (have you noticed, people say this as if there is a different time at which they really would like to get sick. Is there such a time?). Anyhow, I slept from 7:30 last night until 9:00 this morning. Enjoy, immune system!!
And, as an addendum, I am cool, and I do have a rockin' social life. So don't worry about me!