If you knew, without a doubt, that by eating a certain something you would become pretty sick, and then you determined to eat it anyway, you would then be placed in one of two categories:
1. Pretty stupid
2. Pretty dedicated
Now I like to consider myself in the second of those two categories, but hey, interpretation is open as always. The real point here is not what category I belong to. The real point is that yesterday afternoon, I decided to eat some Blue Bell Cookies and Cream, right out of the ice cream tub, too. Now being what some might call lactose intolerant, this is not exactly the wisest thing for me to do, unless I enjoy all sorts of stomach ailments, but as before mentioned, I am dedicated to my love of all things good, and Blue Bell fits right in there. So, even though it will be only for a few precious bites, I am determined to enjoy the ice cream to the fullest. Now you all know how it is when you get that perfect bite, and I really do mean perfection - it had almost a whole oreo, frozen of course, with just the right amount of ice cream clinging to the edges. Oh, my mouth is watering, I am bringing the spoon to my lips, and what do you know, Jack the freak jumps into my lap at this inopportune moment, knocking the spoon and the perfection it held onto the floor. This only momentarily deters me, however. I mean, if I'm about to make myself sick anyway, what difference does it make if I got it off the floor, right? We are not talking about a reasonable decision making process here. But wait. I will tell you now, I never got to eat my perfect bite, never got a chance to partake in that heavenly Blue Bell goodness, and would you like to know why? Hair. Few things make me want to vomit more than finding hair in anything, and to drop my perfect bite on the floor only to see it subsequently covered with my lovely albiet shedding roomate's hair was crushing. Not to mention that it was sick, and gross, and that is the point of this post. I hate hair unless it is firmly attached to someone's head, and even then it's iffy. So watch out, my friends, lest the same tragedy befall you or one of your own. You have been warned.