My brother is the coolest :)
Ttuneishie: well, i might consider writing the essay for you, but only if you tell me the topics for sure
Ttuneishie: because that will (of course) be a determining factory
Ttuneishie: except really a factor
Ttuneishie: not a factory
Gandalf446: no not a factory
Ttuneishie: i am not an essay factory
Gandalf446: but if you were, you would be a determining factory
Ttuneishie: yes, i would
Ttuneishie: and a determined one, too
Gandalf446: but you wouldn't deter mining
Ttuneishie: no
Ttuneishie: i would support it
Ttuneishie: that's where you find diamonds, you know
Gandalf446: yep
Gandalf446:and a diamond lasts forever
Ttuneishie: as does an essay
Ttuneishie: thus the inherent cohesiveness of the whole venture
Gandalf446: so see, you were justified in everything you said
Ttuneishie: of course, i was just leading you down the path
Gandalf446: they say a true teacher doesn't give the student wisdom
Gandalf446: but leads them down a path to where they will find wisdom for themselves
Gandalf446: and that, obviously, is what you have done
Ttuneishie: well, i tried my very best
Ttuneishie: i am glad to see it was a success